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Not every dog needs to be fully groomed (shampoo,brushing,etc.).  There are also a lot of pets out there be for whatever reason be it senior pets, senior owners, multiple pets, scared pets, special needs pets, or just pampered pets who need ala carte services.

Peticure (nail trim/power filing)

Nail trimming is an important part of a regular grooming routine. If your dog’s nails get too long, they can break, which is painful and sometimes results in infection. Long nails can also cause an irregular gait that leads to skeletal damage, hip and back problems, arthritis, joint pain and torn toe nails.


Despite its importance, many people can’t or don’t like to trim their dog’s nails. It’s a task that can make both people and dogs anxious.


This service is especially important for anyone in your home that is diabetic, on blood thinners or bruises easily.


Small (up to 25 lbs)     $15


Excessively long nails  $5-$10 extra

Hard to hold charge     $25-$45

Ear Cleaning

Although a dog’s ears need to be regularly monitored for his entire life, a little basic maintenance is generally all that’s required to keep them clean and healthy.


Canine Anatomy:

Because of the twisty, curvy design of a dog’s inner ears, it’s easy for parasites, bacteria and yeast to hide and thrive in them. This also means that any debris in the canal must work its way up to escape. Infections can result from trapped debris. Dogs with allergies are particularly vulnerable, as are those with floppy ears, like Cocker spaniels, basset hounds and poodles.



Sanitary Trim


starting at $10

This refers to the genital area of both male and female dogs as well as the area around the anus. Some dogs never require such a trim but others are rather messy when they take care of business and need to have a channel cleared under their tails to maintain hygiene. 

Paw Trimming

Removing this hair is important for several reasons. Traction is one of them. Also, the hair tends to collect whatever the dog walks through and will mat up, causing the dog discomfort and, in extreme circumstances, can affect the way a dog walks. Also, paw pads are the one place a dog actually *does* sweat, so it's good to clear the hair out and give the moisture somewhere to go.


$2-$5 (per paw)

Face Trimming


starting at  $10-$15

It is important to keep a dogs face trimmed especially around the eyes.  Keeping this hair trimmed so the dog can see better and to keep the hair from irrating the eye ball itself.  Improper eye care and neglect can cause an eye infection, and eye infection can cause scarring, thus causing more of an eye tearing problem in the future.

Teeth Brushing


starting at $5

Brushing your dog's teeth isn't just about fresh breath, it's an essential part of good oral care and good oral care is important to your dog's overall health.  Although most people aren't aware of it, periodontal, or gum disease is a common, serious problem in dogs.  Yet brushing your dog's teeth can prevent it!

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